Posts by Ninja

This Week Around the Web

Posted By on Apr 30, 2010

Great tips and info from the amazing intertubes… Should I Spend Time on Meta Keywords Tags?: The short answer is no, you can forget about them. How To Make Your Own Luck: Johnny gives you the truth about being lucky online in the typical Johnny way. He’s went from zero to a six figure income with his blogging empire, and he did it in a little over a year so you might want to check his post out. Benefits Sell, Features Don’t, and Here is Why: Learn how to tell your potential customers what they want to know, not what you think they want to know. There are varied remedies for sundry diseases. Several remedies are antifungal medicines. In certain instances pharmacies offer to their customers Viagra. If you’re concerned about erectile problem, you have to study about “cialis daily” and “daily cialis“. Probably you already know something about the matter. Maybe “cialis for daily use cost” is an extremely complicated matter. Matters, like “undefined”, are linked many types of medic problems. A scientific research found that about 14 percent of patients grab Bupropion had sexual malfunction. Finally ordering remedies from the Web can save money, but keep these tips in...

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This Week Around the Web

Posted By on Apr 3, 2010

Here are this weeks little jewels from around the web: The Houdini Guide to Getting Noticed Online: This post over on Copyblogger will give you five good ideas about making people remember who you are. Warning: the picture of Houdini is borderline NSFW, lol. Google Webmaster Help: If Google is choosing their own description snippets for your pages rather than using your own meta description tags, Matt explains why and gives some tips on raising the chances of your meta descriptions being chosen. DIY Themes released Thesis version 1.7 this week and it has some neat changes including a way to backup/restore your custom settings and an easy way to beautify your affiliate links. I made a video showing the new features which you can see here. Darren Rowse announced that his ProBlogger site had been acquired by Google. Of course, it turned out to be an April Fool’s joke but it sure created a lot of buzz for him. There are varied remedies for sundry diseases. Several remedies are antifungal medicines. In specific instances pharmacies offer to theirs customers Viagra. If you’re concerned about erectile problem, you have to study about “cialis daily” and “daily cialis“. Probably you already know something about the matter. Maybe “cialis for daily use cost” is an extremely complicated problem. Matters, like “undefined”, are linked many types of medical problems. A scientific research found that about 14 percent of patients capture Bupropion had sexual disfunction. Finally ordering remedies from the Web can save money, but keep these tips in...

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Thesis 1.7 has just been released by DIY Themes and there are some great new features including additional SEO controls, a way to backup and restore your theme customizations, plus a super easy way for affiliates to mask beautify their affiliate links for better click-throughs! Check out my video below for a quick overview of what’s new, then head on over to DIY Themes and see why so many internet marketers are in love with...

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Just a few days ago, Google announced they will soon be releasing a plugin to allow users to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics. I don’t know about you but as a webmaster I think any website analytics program with user opt-out is completely insane. It is the webmaster, not the user, who decides what type of analtyics program to place on their website so why would Google want to alienate webmasters by taking away from them the very thing they are wanting. Won’t this discourage webmasters from using GA? Think about it…you put analytics on your website so you can find out as much as you can about where your visitors come from, how long they stay, how many pages they view, if they make a purchase, what keywords they used to find your site, etc, etc. Now Google comes along and creates a way for those very visitors to browse your site like they are invisible? The whole point of website analytics is to provide tracking information on website visitors, so why allow the visitor to decide not to be tracked? I mean it’s not like we’re getting their personal information so we can steal their identity and sell it to some street vendor in Nigeria. What’s up Google? Shouldn’t an analytics program actually, you know, track visitors? I know the number of surfers who will actually use this feature may be a small but I imagine it will grow in popularity as time goes on. Who knows, maybe I’m making a mountain out of a mole hill but this announcement is certainly going to make me check out some alternative website statistic providers. I may stick with Google Analytics in the end, but I think this is a stupid move for Google. Here are a couple alternatives I know of although I’ve not used either one: StatCounter – looks a little like it’s stuck in the 90’s but seems to track everything you need. GetClicky – this one looks really neat although it requires a fee for more than one site. Anybody tried these or have another stat program you would recommend? PS: If after visiting this page you start getting emails from Barrister Pablo Ariwa of the Mutual Bank of Nigeria, don’t worry…it’s a complete coincidence. 😉 There are varied remedies for sundry diseases. Several remedies are antifungal medicines. In certain instances pharmacies offer to theirs customers Viagra. If you’re concerned about erectile problem, you have to study about “cialis daily” and “daily cialis“. Probably you already know something about the question. Maybe “cialis for daily use cost” is an extremely complicated question....

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How To Create HTML Anchor Text Links

How To Create HTML Anchor Text Links

Posted By on Mar 21, 2010

This may seem like a very basic webmaster concept, but many of those who are new to building websites do not know how to use html anchor text links in their content and some of those who do know do not use them properly. If you don’t know what anchor text is, it’s the text on a website that you can click on and it takes you to another page or site. It’s usually a different color than the other text and may be underlined, although not always. The actual words being used to create the link are called the anchor text. This text helps tell the search engine spiders what the page being linked to is about. For example, if you have a website about shoes and you link to another page on your site using the words “funny clown shoes”, then you are telling the search engines that particular page is about funny clown shoes. However, I see all the time where people use the words “click here” in their anchor text. This is telling the search engines that your page is about “click here” which makes no sense and won’t help your page rank for funny clown shoes. By using “funny clown shoes” instead, you are telling the search engines that your page is about funny clown shoes and when they follow that link and find actual content on your page talking about clown shoes, then the chances of your page showing up somewhere in the search results for “funny clown shoes” is much higher. How do you create html anchor text links? If you are using a WYSIWYG editor like WordPress has, you can just highlight the desired text, click on the button in the toolbar that looks like a little chain link and insert the desired page’s url into the appropriate box. However, if you don’t have a WYSIWYG editor, you can use html instead. Just insert the following code into your content making sure to replace the text and url with your specific information. Make sure you don’t leave out any characters. <a href="your url here">your anchor text here</a> So for example, this: <a href="">Google</a> will give you this: Google Now, if you would like that link to open up in a new window so your reader will still have your website open in their browser, you need to add a target. Try this: <a href="" target="_blank">Google</a> now the link will open up in a new window: Google If you would like to add text that pops up when you hover over the link with your mouse, you need to add a title....

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