Transfer from to has put together a great guide on how to transfer your site from (your url would look like this: to your own domain ( and fully hosted using your own hosting account. Previously you ran the risk of losing your page rank and any search engine rankings and incoming link traffic, but the free report tells you how to take care of all that and move without cost in traffic or rankings: Transfer Blog From to Your Own Domain As an alternative, you can let a Ninja install your blog for free 🙂 There are varied remedies for sundry diseases. Several remedies are antifungal medicines. In definite instances pharmacies offer to them customers Viagra. If you’re concerned about erectile problem, you have to study about “cialis daily” and “daily cialis“. Probably you already know something about the matter. Maybe “cialis for daily use cost” is an extremely complicated question. Matters, like “undefined”, are linked many types of medical problems. A scientific research found that about 14 percent of patients grab Bupropion had sexual dysfunction. Finally ordering remedies from the Web can save money, but keep these tips in...
read moreTestimonial: The Unpacked Blog
Another client testimonial from a very recent WordPress blog setup: Everyday since signing up with Ninja, I discover more and more fantastic features that were installed on my blog for me. Ninja will not only make your blog look great- they ensure that it can perform great, too! – Yannai, The Unpacked Blog
read moreWordPress Tip: Put Your Stats Code into a Widget
Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’d like to try out a new theme, but I’ve spent so much time putting custom code (counters, plugins, etc.) into my current theme, that it’s too much work to switch?” This WordPress tip is designed to make it much easier to change themes, which will benefit established bloggers doing an upgrade, but especially new bloggers who are just starting out and experimenting with different looks for their blog. One day while playing around with my site and inserting my StatCounter code into my footer, I had a thought, “What if I stuck this into a widget?” I gave it a try and sure enough it worked, the counter kept tracking my stats. Then I tried it with Google Analytics and everything else that I had cluttering my footer.php file and they all worked. How To Set Up A Stats Widget The process is really simple. In short, we just need to grab all the html or JavaScript code that you have added to your theme’s footer and place it into a WordPress widget. What You Can Place in a Widget Google Analytics Stats and counters My Blog Log tracking code Hittail or similar code Quantcast Any other code that doesn’t actually display on your page What Won’t Work Custom php code (anywhere you see <?php ?> tags) If you have AdSense in your footer, don’t move it. Let’s get started… Step 1 – Remove the Code from Your Footer Go to your blog’s dashboard and navigate to the Theme Editor. Scroll down the list of files on the right hand menu and click on “Footer” (in some cases it will be called footer.php). Search around in that file and cut out (remove) all the code snippets that you have added to it. Chances are they will use the <script> tag. I recommend putting them all into Notepad temporarily. After they are all removed, then click “Update File” to save the footer file without your code in it. Do step 2 right away so you don’t miss any stats. Step 2 – Put the Code into a Widget First you’ll need to make sure your blog has widgets available. WordPress 2.2 and later has them by default but with any previous version of WordPress, you’ll need to download and install the Widgets plugin. Or even better, upgrade your WordPress installation. Navigate to the Widgets area of the admin panel. Drag a “Text” widget from the “Available Widgets” area, over to one of your columns. I prefer to put in at the bottom of the right hand column. If there aren’t any Text widgets in the “Available Widgets” panel, then create a new one, in the box just below that panel. Click the little configuration box on the right hand side of the new text widget to pop open the widget entry box. Copy and paste all the code the you removed from your footer into the body of the box. Leave the title blank (if you put anything in there, it will show up on your page, which you don’t want). Close the widget by clicking the “X” at the top right corner. Click “Save Changes” to update your widget settings. That’s it. I recommend that you take a look at your stats counter (and any other services) to...
read moreTwo More Happy Ninja-fied Bloggers
Chris Murray from Bed And Breakfast Entrepreneurs Thank you so much for setting up my blog, Not only could I drive it straight away, you were more than patient in answering my questions even after you had finished. What service is that! Chris Murray Tom from One Quart Low (for Tom I moved his existing site to a new WordPress hosting company) Over the past couple of weeks, my search engine traffic has exploded. Am I more riveting? Are my posts that much more exciting? In a word, no. What has changed is my entire blog, thanks to the Ninja. He upgraded my blog with all the bells and whistles that many WordPress types have enjoyed and perhaps even taken for granted. Now, I see traffic hitting my site seeking things that are (strange but true) on my site!! This service was a Godsend in my opinion. Do yourself a HUGE favor and at least go to his site pimped above and bookmark it. You may have no worries and no desire to change things up today, but things do have a way of happening. Bookmark, save it to favorites, subscribe to his blog, do whatever, but keep the link handy. When ya need it, look this guy up. Read Tom’s entire review on his site. There are varied remedies for sundry diseases. Several remedies are antifungal medicines. In specific instances pharmacies offer to their customers Viagra. If you’re concerned about erectile problem, you have to study about “cialis daily” and “daily cialis“. Probably you already know something about the matter. Maybe “cialis for daily use cost” is an extremely complicated question. Matters, like “undefined”, are linked many types of medical problems. A scientific research found that about 14 percent of patients capture Bupropion had sexual dysfunction. Finally ordering remedies from the Web can save money, but keep these tips in...
read moreWordPress Blogger’s Survival Guide
This is a resource guide for WordPress bloggers. I receive vast numbers of emails from bloggers asking for help with various problems they are having with their blogs so I decided to compile the most common questions and their answers to hopefully create a valuable reference guide for WordPress users who are having a problem, or wanting to make changes to their site, but don’t know where to go for help. The guide is broken into two sections. Part 1 lists common problems or emergencies and then provides solutions or ways to get more information or help. Part 2 presents a list of things that you may be trying to accomplish and then describes resources can be used to accomplish your blogging goal. Quick Start – Table of Contents Part 1 – Got a Problem? DNS or Server Not Found Errors Script or PHP Error on the Page Website is Really Slow Unknown Error or Problem Part 2 – Trying to Change or Accomplish Something? Setting Up WordPress Find or Add a Plugin Edit or Configure My Theme for a Certain Plugin Find a New WordPress Theme Learn More about how to Use WordPress Learn About Blogging or Improve My Blogging Make More Money Blogging Part 1 – Houston, We’ve Got a Problem… OMG – My Site is Broken, People Are Dying! Take a deep breath, let’s figure out the best place to go for help based on what symptoms that “broken” is actually displaying....
read moreHow To Upload a WordPress Theme
One of the most common questions that I get asked by clients is how to upload a new WordPress theme, so I’ve put together a video which demonstrates the entire process. There are 2 things required to follow along with the video. 1) An ftp application for transferring the files of the new theme up to your blog. There are many many ftp applications. My favorite, which I demonstrate in the video is FireFTP. This is a plugin for the popular FireFox browser, which I highly recommend. Download FireFox browser (if you don’t already have it) Then get the FireFtp plugin here. I’ll show you how to install it in the video. Alternatives: FileZilla (free) Smart FTP (free for personal use) Cyber Duck (for MAC users) 2) The new theme that you’d like to install. The best place to start looking for new themes is the WordPress theme repository. The rest of the information you’ll need is covered in the video, including a bonus section on copying any code changes that you may have done in your old theme over to the new one. Please enable Javascript and Flash to view this video. That’s it. Now you should have no problem uploading a new WordPress theme. There are varied remedies for sundry diseases. Several remedies are antifungal medicines. In certain instances pharmacies offer to theirs customers Viagra. If you’re concerned about erectile problem, you have to study about “cialis daily” and “daily cialis“. Probably you already know something about the question. Maybe “cialis for daily use cost” is an extremely complicated matter. Matters, like “undefined”, are linked many types of medical problems. A scientific research found that about 14 percent of patients taking Bupropion had sexual disfunction. Finally ordering remedies from the Web can save money, but keep these tips in...
read moreTestimonial:
Coming from a non-technical background I always struggled with the idea of setting up my own website and blog, so much so that I procrastinated months on end and delayed the inevitable. However, the Ninja took most of the work, headaches and worry out of this process. The simple to follow instructions with friendly, responsive and helpful customer support, I was up and running with my blog within 24 hours. Thank you for all your efforts throughout this process. You are providing a wonderful and essential service to all the novice bloggers out there. Yours Sincerely, Adam Sicinski There are varied remedies for sundry diseases. Several remedies are antifungal medicines. In specific instances pharmacies offer to them customers Viagra. If you’re concerned about erectile problem, you have to study about “cialis daily” and “daily cialis“. Probably you already know slightly about the question. Maybe “cialis for daily use cost” is an extremely complicated problem. Matters, like “undefined”, are linked many types of medical problems. A scientific research found that about 14 percent of patients grab Bupropion had sexual malfunction. Finally ordering remedies from the Web can save money, but keep these tips in...
read moreTestimonial:
The technical skill and time needed to set up a beautiful and functional blog is enormous if you are not familiar with the computer literacy aspect. I was becoming frustrated with the endless technical details and discouraged that I might never have a blog. Ninja Blog Setup was suggested to me. I sent an email. I had a blog up and was posting on it within 1 day. That simple. I can’t say enough about their professionalism, their willingness to answer questions, to accommodate my technical limitations, and customize my blog preferences. My experience with the Ninja has been so positive that I probably will begin another blog in the future. I would not consider doing it myself when all I could accomplish and more is an email away. This company is the ultimate in customer service. I only wish I hadn’t waited so long before contacting them. Christine Scaman There are varied remedies for sundry diseases. Several remedies are antifungal medicines. In definite instances pharmacies offer to their customers Viagra. If you’re concerned about erectile problem, you have to study about “cialis daily” and “daily cialis“. Probably you already know something about the matter. Maybe “cialis for daily use cost” is an extremely complicated matter. Matters, like “undefined”, are linked many types of medic problems. A scientific research found that about 14 percent of patients capture Bupropion had sexual dysfunction. Finally ordering remedies from the Web can save money, but keep these tips in...
read moreHow To Edit Your WordPress Theme
In this video I cover how to make some very basic changes to your WordPress theme. In the first section I open up the stylesheet and change a couple formatting colors. And in the second section I open up the single.php file and show you how to add simple snippets of code that you would like to show up at the bottom of each post. Please enable Javascript and Flash to view this video. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below. There are varied remedies for sundry diseases. Several remedies are antifungal medicines. In definite instances pharmacies offer to theirs customers Viagra. If you’re concerned about erectile problem, you have to study about “cialis daily” and “daily cialis“. Probably you already know something about the question. Maybe “cialis for daily use cost” is an extremely complicated matter. Matters, like “undefined”, are linked many types of medical problems. A scientific research found that about 14 percent of patients taking Bupropion had sexual disfunction. Finally ordering remedies from the Web can save money, but keep these tips in...
read moreHow To Upgrade to WordPress 2.3
EDIT: SINCE WORDPRESS IS NOW WELL BEYOND VERSION 2.3, THIS POST IS NO LONGER RELEVANT AND I HAVE CLOSED COMMENTS ON IT. YOU SHOULD BE UPDATING TO THE NEWEST VERSION USING THE BUILT-IN UPDATER IN YOUR DASHBOARD. This is a step by step guide to upgrading to WordPress 2.3. This guide only takes into consideration plugins installed by Ninja Blog Setup. If you have others then you may need to upgrade or disable them if you encounter any errors. The only plugin that causes any problems when upgrading is the Add Meta Tags plugin. The plugin has been updated now, so you can just grab the latest version and install it. As of writing this post there wasn’t a update to the plugin, but it is a very useful plugin so I have provided a file that has a patch which makes it compatible with WordPress 2.3. Download the patched plugin, by right clicking here and saving to your desktop. Unzip the file and then using an ftp program, upload the add-meta-tags.php file up to the /plugins/ folder and overwrite the one that is already on your site. Upgrade the Google (XML) Sitemaps plugin by de-activating the current version, and deleting it and then installing the latest version from here. The new version is needed for WordPress 2.3. NOTE: pressing the “Update” button from the plugin page is not getting the latest version, you MUST do it manually as I described above. Deactivate the Simple Tagging & Sitemap Tags plugins as they are no longer required for WordPress 2.3 and will cause errors if kept active. You will be able to import your tags, so they won’t be lost. Backup your entire system by going to Manage / Backup and select all the tables and perform a backup. Run Instant Upgrade to upgrade WordPress to the latest version by going to Manage / Instant Upgrade. If the upgrade needs completion manually just follow the links. Use this plugin (Simple Tagging Import) to import your “Simple Tagging” tags into the new WordPress tagging system. Download and install the plugin and then follow the instructions on the documentation. Go back to your WordPress backup page to include all the tables on your weekly or daily backups. This is necessary since there are new tables from the old version and you want them all to be backed up. Add code to your template to display the new WordPress tags. Do this by going to Presentation / Theme Editor. Open the Single Post file from the right hand menu. And then add the following line: Tags <?php the_tags(' ', ' ', ' '); ?> directly after this line: <?php the_content('<p>Read the rest of this entry »</p>'); ?> If you want the tags to show up on the posts on your front page, then open the Main Index Template page, and add the same code after the same line in this file. Other Useful Links: List of plugins that are tested okay with 2.3 For a list of themes that are tested okay with 2.3 (note, not all of these will display tags automatically, this list is just themes that don’t break when you use them on WordPress 2.3 Update: I’ve been asked to explain the code used to insert tags into a theme...
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